The National Survey on Population and Family Health (NSPFH), Morocco-2018: a Data Quality Assessmentdoi:10.1051/E3SCONF/202131901010Abdelghani AsraouiChems Eddouha KhassouaniAbdelmajid SoulaymaniEDP SciencesE3S Web of Conferences
population; National Health Interview Survey, 2006 : data from the National Health Survey OBJECTIVES: This report presents both age-adjusted and unadjusted health statistics from the 2009 National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) for the civilian ... PF Adams,PMMA Barnes,JW Lucas - 《Vital & ...
Functional limitations (yes/no) was measured by an affirmative response to a derived variable “Restriction of activity excluding long-term disabilities or handicaps” provided by the NPHS survey. Health behaviors. Obesity (normal, underweight, overweight, or obese), smoking status (never smoker, ...
A cross-sectional survey with a sizable sample of 1151 was conducted among YMSM students aged 16 and above, who self-identified as men who have sex with men(MSM) and resided in mainland China between October 20 and December 20, 2021. The chi-square test and Fisher’s exact test were u...
Report No. 3 for the California Activity Pattern Survey, Department of Statistics, Stanford University, Stanford, CA (1994b) Robinson JP Switzer P and Ott WR, Daily exposure to environmental tobacco smoke: smokers vs. nonsmokers in California. Am J Public Health (1996) 86(9): 1303–1305 ...
597-P: Wearable Device Use and Physical Activity among Individuals with Diabetes—The 2022 Health Information National Trends Survey doi:10.2337/db24-597-PIntroduction & Objective: Wearable devices have demonstrated potential in encouraging physical activity (PA) in the general population. This study ...
In GBD 2019, a Bayesian meta-regression disease modeling tool (i.e., DisMod-MR-2.1) was used to estimate the incidence and prevalence of overall and type-specific CVDs produced by population surveys, cohorts and registries, health system administrative data, and microdata from registry and ...
We conducted a secondary data analysis using the responses of 24,107 adults aged 18years or older who completed the 2022 National Health Interview Survey. The independent variable was report of swallowing problem during the past 12months, and the dependent variables were report of difficulty in ...
According to the World Culture Score Index survey, India leads in reading, with an average of 10.7 hours per week, followed by Thailand and China. Digital reading is on the rise with e-books and audiobooks gaining popularity. Despite this, physical books still hold a special place. These ...
India has seen enormous reductions in poverty in the past few decades. However, much of this progress has been unequal throughout the country. This paper examined the 2019–2021 National Family Health Survey to examine small area variations in four measures of household poverty. Overall, the resu...