creation meets the requirements of Federal Law Nr. 9.974/00, which established the principles for managing and properly disposing of empty crop protection packages based on the responsibilities shared amongst agricultural production agents - farmers, distribution channels and cooperatives, industry and ...
Social economy and territorial development in Chefchaouen (Morocco): the role of cooperatives in the framework of the National Initiative for Human Develop... This paper analyses the significance of cooperatives in the territorial development of the province of Chefchaouen on the basis of the actions...
district, state and national level federations and multi state cooperative societies can become its member. All these cooperatives will have their elected representatives in the Board of the society as per its bye-laws.
to an enablingnationalpolicy framework and environmentforempowerment,participatory approaches and livelihood generation. 此外,协助动员社会财富,办法主要是在公共领域通过培养能力和建立机构,以便帮 助穷人享受其权利;(iii) 为建立有助于提高能力、参与和创造就业机会的国家政策框...
Some third parties are outside of the European Economic Area, with varying standards of data protection. See our privacy policy for more information on the use of your personal data. Manage preferences for further information and to change your choices. Accept all cookies ...
Sydney:Social PolicyResearchCentre (UNSW).Bryceson,Deborah Fahy,and UllaVuorela,eds.2002.TheTransnationalFamily: NewEuropeanFrontiersandGlobalNetworks.NewYork:Routledge.Coe,Cati. 2015.“TheTemporalityof Care: Gender,Migration,andtheEntrainmentof Life-Courses.”InAnthropologicalPerspectiveson Care:Work, ...
19; see, also, Dolowitz and Marsh 1996 to appreciate this phenomenon in a policy transfer context). Its most distinctive features are an elected mayor empowered with more leadership capacity than is typically seen in other German municipalities, the right of citizens to elect their local council...
National Solid Waste Policy Instruments and their implications for the infrastructure and operational conditions of recycling cooperatives in the city of R... National Solid Waste Policy Instruments and their implications for the infrastructure and operational conditions of recycling cooperatives in the city...
This paper contributes a comparative perspective on societal involvement in the energy transition that considers (i) both the policymaking and the policy implementation stage as well as (ii) contribution opportunities for different types of actors (corporate actors vs. the public). Contrasting the conc...
该数据的历史最高值出现于09-01-1967,达0.048XDR/THB,而历史最低值则出现于12-01-1997,为0.016XDR/THB。CEIC提供的TH:官方利率:期末:本国货币的特别提款权数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于International Monetary Fund,数据归类于Global Database的泰国 –表 TH.国际货币基金组织.国际金融...