Patient Responsibility Amount Pro Fee Calculator FACILITY MS-DRG Grouper APC Packager/Pricer ASC Payment Calculator RISK ADJUSTMENT HCC Risk Score Calculator ICD-10-CM to HCC - Map-A-Code™ scrubbing & validation Scrub-A-Claim™ - claim scrubber CCI Validator™ - for NON-Facility/Practit...
England, United Kingdom, UK, Britain, government, department, health, social care, social work, social services, department, government, DH, DoH, NHS, Nati... England, United Kingdom, UK, Britain, government, department, health, social care, social work, social services, department, ...
*Staffing the mobile triage center at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences with medics who are screening and testing more than 100 patients daily. *Assisting the Arkansas DOH and the Arkansas Division of Emergency Management with logistics, medical, and ...