Congressmen Propose Chesapeake National Rec Area, (Maryland Reporter, July 31, 2023) Senator Van Hollen & Congressman Sarbanes Introduce Legislation to Establish the Chesapeake National Recreation Area, (What’s Up Annapolis, July 31, 2023) Van Hollen, Sarbanes introduce legislation to create Chesapeak...
1995. Managing resources and resolving conflicts: national parks and local people. International Journal of Sustainable De- velopment and World Ecology, 2(1): 11-25.Nepal, S.K., Weber, K.E. 1995. Managing resources and resolving conflicts: national parks and local people. International Journal...
Once a prized product and signature cultural symbol of ancient China in global trade, China's tea is seeking to refresh and rec... Source:Xinhua Pub Date:23-12-26 09:21 GLOBALink | Classes resume in quake-hit area of NW China Students in the quake-hit Jishishan County in northwest Chin...
Written December 10, 2024 Janet_in_Portland 0 contributions Excellent tour company and guide from Zagreb to Plitvice for a day trip This recommendation is long overdue. Last May I toured Croatia with friends and wanted to visit Plitvice which was not on ...
Vet Rec 157:673–679 Article PubMed CAS Google Scholar Gilbert M, Mitchell A, Bourn D, Mawdsley J, Cliton-Hadley R, Wint W (2005) Cattle movements and bovine tuberculosis in Great Britain. Nat 435:491–496 Article CAS Google Scholar Gillespie TR, Chapman CA (2008) Forest fragmentation...
are no showers or trailer hookups. The campground is open from late spring through early fall. For additional camping information contact: Coconino National Forest, Peaks Ranger Station, 5010 N. Hwy. 89, Flagstaff, AZ 86004; ks/rec_peaks....
National Park Service (NPS) is increasingly challenged by underrepresentation of visitors from low-income and racial/ethnic minority backgrounds. To better understand attributes of Americans who do and do not visit national parks, we used data from a national general population survey ( N =4,103)...
Katmai area and the Mt. Martin area. Most glaciers in these parks terminate on land, though a few terminate in lakes. Only KEFJ has tidewater glaciers, which terminate in the ocean. Glacier mapping and analysis of the change in glacier extent has been accomplished on a decadal scale using ...
Urban Legends: NRPA Makes History by Convening a Summit of City Leaders to Create a New National Agenda for Urban Parks and Recreation