I do not have a lot of hobbies right now as I used to like to explore the Bay Area a bit before moving here. I also am a big sports fan especially of the Yankees, Giants, Raiders, Patriots, Sharks and Warriors. Among my real hobbies at the moment is social media, especially taking...
2 Sun Autism Acceptance Day 2 Sun International Fact Checking Day 2 Sun National DIY Day 2 Sun National Ferret Day 3 Mon World Party Day 3 Mon National Find a Rainbow Day 3 Mon Don't Go to Work Unless it's Fun Day 3 Mon National Tweed Day 3 Mon National Rainbow Day ...
We can’t afford for these things to be so off axis, ifcivil service thinkingis exploring“potential game-changers such as virtual reality for citizens in the autism spectrum, biometrics to reduce fraud, and data science and machine-learning to automate decisions.” In an organisation such as ...
2 Sat Autism Acceptance Day 2 Sat International Fact Checking Day 2 Sat National DIY Day 2 Sat National Ferret Day 2 Sat First Day of Ramadan 3 Sun National Find a Rainbow Day 3 Sun World Party Day 3 Sun Don't Go to Work Unless it's Fun Day 3 Sun National Tweed Day ...
2 Fri Autism Awareness Day 2 Fri International Children's Book Day 2 Fri Autism Acceptance Day 2 Fri International Fact Checking Day 2 Fri National DIY Day 2 Fri National Ferret Day 3 Sat National Handmade Day 3 Sat National Love Our Children Day 3 Sat Holy Saturday 3 Sat Na...