National Planning Policy FrameworkThe National Planning Policy Framework is at the centre of the government's plans to reform the planning system in England. It will replace the 1,000-plus pages of existing planning guidance with a single document, which will operate alongside the Localism Bill. ...
Visitor experience and resource protection framework in the National Park System: rationale, current status, and future direction The Visitor Experience and Resource Protection (VERP) framework was developed by the National Park Service to address carrying capacity questions associated with visitation-related...
The National Planning Policy Framework was published on 27 March 2012. This is a key part of our reforms to make the planning system less complex and more accessible, to protect the environment and to promote sustainable growth. 关键词: planning policy DOI:
Nature-based tourism in protected areas is an easily experienced ecosystem service that humans enjoy, but it acts as tourism pressures on ecosystem. Some park managers, however, lack an understanding of the spatial distribution and ecological impact of these pressures. We analyzed the size and spati...
This zone is an area of high ecosystem service value in the general control area of the national park, indicating that it has a high economic value of ecological products. A flexible policy could be adopted for this zone. Due to the good landscape appreciation of this zone, we consider ...
摘要: Discusses the invention of the National Park by the United States and what a park is considered to be. Reference to the National Parks Service Act; Comments from William Penn Mott, former Park Service director; Suggestions on how to interest the public in parks....
Shivika Mittal, Osamu Nishiura, Chan Park, Salony Rajbhandari, Diego Silva Herran, Tran Thanh Tu, Shiya Zhao, Yuki Ochi, Priyardarshi R. Shukla, Toshihiko Masui, Phuong V. H. Nguyen, Anique-Marie Cabardos& Keywan Riahi Nature Climate Change11,472–480 (2021)Cite this article ...
Image via National Park Service Notwithstanding the architecture of the individual structures housed in the National Parks, Landscape Architect Thomas Chalmers Vint can be credited as a key figure in the successful master planning of the National Parks in the United States. Assembling a team of ...
If advertisers are targeting their ads in a state that does not require a license to conduct DFS or lottery courier service, they must be licensed in at least one other U.S. state that mandates such a license. The Legal Context of the Updated Google Ads Policy Usually circumspect when it...
(2020) Rewilding the wildlife in Sangjiangyuan National Park, Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Ecosyst Health Sustain 6(1):1776643 Article Google Scholar Zhou Y et al. (2021) Land use-driven changes in ecosystem service values and simulation of future scenarios: a case study of the Qinghai-Tibet ...