The day-to-day life of a early forest ranger often consisted of surveying, grazing supervision, overseeing timber cutting contracts, fire protection, and forest inspections. A ranger's salary was $75 to $90 per month, which was used to buy a uniform, support themselves, and maintain a stri...
implementation of the even finer-scale “one household, one post” policy (yihu yigang)—also known as the national park’s community warden program—has enhanced the income of 17,211 herders, gradually improving their living standards. These ‘posts’ are the equivalent of ‘ranger stations’—...
When a visitor to Gettysburg National Military Park hears the term “sutler” for the first time, the Park Ranger is often met with a quizzical facial expression in response. The word has its origins in the dutch language and has a loose translation as “one who does dirty work.” No d...
Off the field... On October 17thas 60,000+ Giants and A's fans inside Candlestick Park anxiously awaited the start of Game 3 of the World Series, an earthquake measuring 6.9 on the Richter scale shook the San Francisco area killing sixty-seven people and causing nearly $10 billion in dam...