Strategy, NutritionEthiopia national nutrition strategy: review and analysis of progress and gaps . One Year On. Save the Children, USAID; 2009.Save the Children (2009) Ethiopia national nutrition strategy, review and analysis of progress and gap. Save the Children, UK....
This push was consonant with research showing that there was no one-to-one relationship between economic growth and the advance of human development – conscious effort by the state was needed to effectively promote health, nutrition and education (Drèze & Sen, 1989). Starting in 1996, the ...
Results In total, 70 studies that involved > 55,000 women from nine regions and two chartered cities in Ethiopia were included. The pooled national prevalence for timely initiation of breastfeeding (TIBF), exclusive breastfeeding (EBF) and timely initiation of complementary feeding was 66.5%,...
Physical, behavioral and sociodemographic determinants of hypertension among the adult population in Nekemte town, western Ethiopia: community based study Gemechis Teshome Geleta Melese Chego Cheme Elias Merdassa Roro BMC Research Notes (2019) Assessment of blood pressure control in adult hypertensive...
Furthermore, studies have shown that unintended pregnancies can result in poor antenatal care, poor breastfeeding behaviour, poor child nutrition, and even result in poor child health [12]. The determinants of early childbearing mainly focus on maternal and sociodemographic factors. A review conducted...
Violet Kayamba, Tropical Gastroenterology and Nutrition Group, University of Zambia School of Medicine, PO Box 50398, Lusaka, Zambia Abstract Introduction:the aim of this study was to determine what proportion of patients with confirmed esophageal cancer at the largest hospital in the country were rec...
A. Yami Nutrition and feeding of sheep and goats A. Yami, R.C. Merkel (Eds.), Sheep and goat production handbook for Ethiopia, ESGPIP (2008) Google Scholar Yuliawati, 2011 A. Yuliawati Penentuan ukuran populasi minimum dan optimum lestari rusa timor (Rusa timorensis) berdasarkan parameter...
EHNRI - profile and role in the National Nutrition Programme. (Special Issue: Focus on Ethiopia.)Dolan, CCherinet, Abuye
National Nutrition Programs in Emerging Countries: Coping with the Double Burden of Malnutrition and Obesity in EthiopiaBackground: Nutrition and health related behaviour is influenced by one's perception of susceptibility to and magnitude of health risks as well as perceived benefits of proposed ...
NUTRITION & DIETETICSPUBLIC HEALTHCHILD UNDERNUTRITIONPROGRESSIntroduction Ethiopia has made significant progress in reducing malnutrition in the past two decades. Despite such improvements, a substantial segment of the country's population remains chronically undernourished and suffers from micronutrient ...