National Novel WritingMonth Crafting a story that weaves characters through a thrilling journey, venturing into uncharted worlds where adventures unfold one chapter at a time. National AdoptionMonth Building a family through love, regardless of biology, weaving unique stories and bonds that defy any te...
November, 2024 is Lung Cancer Awareness Month, National Healthy Skin Month, National Children's Month, National Marrow Awareness Month, Worldwide Bereaved Siblings Month... and much more!
This is in the spirit of National Novel Writing Month's interesting definition of a novel as 50,000 words of fiction. The Rules The only rule is that you share at least one novel and also your source code at the end. The source code does not have to be licensed in a particular way...
National Novel Writing Month Universal Letter Writing Week National Reading Group Month World Braille Day National Proofreading Day National Grammar DayRead DECEMBER 31, 2024 | NEW YEAR'S EVE | NATIONAL CHAMPAGNE DAY | NO INTERRUPTIONS DAY | MAKE UP YOUR MIND DAY | LEAP SECOND TIME ADJUSTMENT DA...
You can use AI for National Novel Writing Month if it helps. Here's why. The annual write-your-book event has upset some fans by staying neutral on AI tools. But they could be just what you need. 11/01/2024 By Chris Taylor Celebrate National Cookie day with these delicious baking de...
National Novel Generation Month - based onan idea I tweeted on a whim. This is the 2014 edition,see herefor 2013. The Goal Spend the month of November writing code that generates a novel of 50k+ words. The Rules The only rule is that you share at least one novel and also your source...
Christy Walters Mar 20, 2024‘Twas the first day of April when all through the halls, teachers read rhymes that bounced off the walls. They introduced their students to National Poetry Month activities and cheered at how easy it was to plan the festivities. The students were eager, sitting...
Each year, National Loving Day on June 12 commemorates the anniversary of the 1967 U.S. Supreme Court decision Loving vs. Virginia. This decision struck down all anti-miscegenation laws remaining in sixteen U.S. states. The ruling cited, "There can be no
MentorshipWellbeingPersonal developmentProfessional developmentMentorship models deviating from traditional staff-student dyads are beginning to emerge, and the CAEP Women in Emergency Medicine (WEM) Committee has implemented a novel, vertical mentorship program in the hopes of increasing mentorship ...
You can use AI for National Novel Writing Month if it helps. Here's why. The annual write-your-book event has upset some fans by staying neutral on AI tools. But they could be just what you need. 11/01/2024 By Chris Taylor 25 hidden gems of horror found on Shudder They're cree...