题目 Last Saturday,I went to the national Museum of Natural History to attend the Family Fossil( 化石) and Dinosaur Festival.Thousands of kids and many scientists took part in it. My tour started in a room where there were lots of hands-on activities.One that I tried was called "Fossilsi...
2阅读理解ALast Saturday,I went to the national Museumof Natural History to attend the Family Fossil(化石)and Dinosaur(恐龙)Festival. Thousands ofkids and many scientists took part in it.My tour started in a room where there werelots of hands-on activities. One that I tried wascalled “Foss...
it behaves like them too. “Looking at ice cream under a microscope is not that different from looking at a piece of granite or other rock that’s cooled from magma in the Earth,” saysJeffrey Post, Curator-in-Charge of Gems and Minerals at theSmithsonian’s Nationa...
Now, scientists like Amanda Ostwald, a planetary geologist and Peter Buck postdoctoral fellow at theNational Museum of Natural History, have the samples and the tools to learn what the surface of Mars is actually like. Ostwald studies Martian meteorites, which...
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project aims to provide images from natural history museum collections to the Europeana portal (http://www.europeana.eu/). The images, selected based on criteria for potential interest to the broad public, were chosen from among those generated during the Renobota project. In parallel, curation ...
The museum said it has “more of the Moon than the 10 largest natural history museums in the world combined;” three of the largest pieces of the Moon will be on permanent exhibit at the museum. The Maine Mineral & Gem Museum also features the Perham Collection, displayed for 90...
Examination under a microscope revealed gas bubbles, distinct flow marks, and conchoidal fractures, while the polariscope revealed weak snake pattern bands. Its hydrostatic specific gravity (SG) was 2.48. All these observations together suggested a glass imitation, GIA said, which was confirmed by...
The2017 studydescribing the ant was led byAna Ješovnik, a researcher in Croatia’s Institute for Environment and Nature and a research associate and former graduate student in the Department of Entomology at theSmithsonian National Museum of Natural History. She and ent...