簡介 國立自然歷史博物館(National Museum of Natural History)位於美國首府華盛頓特區(Washington DC)旅遊指南, 展示恐龍化石,隕石,礦物和著名的希望鑽石(Hope Diamond). 展覽館 肯尼斯·貝林哺乳動物館(Kenneth E. Behring Family Hall of Mammals) 有274哺乳動物標本,近十幾個化石,以及大量的互動展覽。 勝特海洋館...
国家自然与历史博物馆 National Museum of Natural History|基础信息 博物馆简介基础信息类型: 自然、历史 规模: 大型,建议参观时间2小时(不包含下文提到的“推荐体验项目”) 配套设施: 含免费公共Wi-Fi,含有餐厅国家自然与历史博物馆National Museum of NaturalHistory查看详情 地址:10th St. & Constitution Ave. ...
根据Natural History Museum下的Address: Cromwell Road London SW7 5BD, UK.和Victoria &Albert Museum下的Address: Cromwell Road, London SW7 2RL可知,两个博物馆都在Cromwell Road LondonSW7, 即在同一条路上。A. Both are located on the same road.(两个都在同一条路上)符合以上说法,故选A。
这是中国唯一的国家级、综合性自然博物馆,代表国家保护、研究、收藏、阐释、展示自然物和人类发展过程中具有历史、科学和艺术价值的自然遗产。 The new site of the National Natural History Museum was unveiled in Beijing on Monday. ▲ Th...
The Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural History has hundreds of scientists, researchers, curators and collection managers who connect people everywhere to life’s unfolding story. Here is a sampling of the unique voices that make up the chorus of i
National Natural History Museum of China You will know everything about the natural world and science. You can study hundreds of plants.animals, rocks and more.Open hours: 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.. Tuesday-Sunday.Tickets: grown-ups (人): 40 yuan, children: 25 yuan (over 12). free (...
The Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural History has hundreds of scientists, researchers, curators and collection managers who connect people everywhere to life’s unfolding story. Here is a sampling of the unique voices that make up the chorus of i
THE imminent retirement of Sir William Flower after his long and extremely efficient service as Director of the Natural History Museum, is an event of very serious importance to the progress of natural science in England. At one time the national collection, like any little country museum, was ...
The National Museum of Natural History is a natural history museum administered by the Smithsonian Institution, located on the National Mall in Washington, D.C., United States.
三、语法填空The National Natural History Museum of Chin a (NNHMC) is the only national, comprehensive natural history museum in China. The new Beijing venue of NNHMC is scheduled 36 oe hial operation in October, 2029The museum has announced that it's received government(approve) for the cons...