国立西洋美术馆 National Museum of Western Art *点击以缩略图片,查看大图!这座外形走极简约冷调风格的美术馆,是法国建筑师勒·柯布西耶(Le?Corbusier)于1959年设计建造的。2016年7月,同全球其它17处柯布西耶的建筑作品一起,成为最新的世界遗产,也是东京都内首个世界文化遗产。 馆内展示了从中世纪末期到第二次...
National Museum of Western Art, T□ky□ 日本唯一的收藏和展示西方美术作品的国立美术馆。位于东京都上野公园内,1959年6月开馆。它创始于日本收藏家松方幸次郎。第一次世界大战以来,松方在欧洲收集了大批美术作品,其中一部分因第二次世界大战的原因被法国政府没收,并且根据《旧金山和约》成为法国国家财产。50年代...
THE NATIONAL MUSEUM OF WESTERN ART 东京国立西洋美术馆是为了保存和公开法国归还日本“松方收藏”而建立。 此美术馆是日本唯一一座对西洋美术品进行全面收藏的国立美术馆。美术馆除了展示以“松方收藏”的印象派绘...
美术馆建成历史 国立西洋美术馆之所以有什么多大师的作品,全要感谢在20世纪初的一位收藏家——松方幸次郎。松方幸次郎是川崎造船所(现在的川崎重工业)当时的社长,又有艺术眼光又有经济实力,于1916年起,开始在欧洲收集美术品,据说他的目的是收集到一万件艺术品,回日本建美术馆,然后让日本的年轻人们可以近距离接触...
This chapter focuses on National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo, which is one of the three museums built by Le Corbusier based on his idea for a Museum of Unlimited Growth. The building in Tokyo adheres to the basic organization of a squared spiral gallery on pilotis. An upper level of ...
National Museum of Western Art, Japanese national collection of European art, located in Ueno Park, Tokyo. The museum building, designed by Le Corbusier, was opened in 1959, and an annex by Maekawa Kunio was added in 1979. The basis of the collection was
Detailed information (Latest Info) for Art Museums The National Museum of Western Art located in the Ueno area. This is Japan's only national art museum, where you can view various Western artworks, including the Matsukata collection, which mainly consis
Explore artworks at the National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo, and discover more art collections and museums in Japan
Tsukada, MasahikoTsukada M (2002) Case studies on monitoring and countermea- sures for indoor air pollution at the National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo (in Japanese). Bunkazai Hozon-Syuhuku Gakkaisi 46:96-113
Museum fans with limited time should consider a visit to Ueno Park where a variety of first class museums are concentrated closely together, including the impressive Tokyo National Museum, the National Museum of Western Art, the Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum, the National Science Museum and Ueno Zo...