National Mental Health Awareness Month in May focuses on bringing tools, resources, and education to the general public
Celebrate National Wellness Month during the entire month of August. It's time to prioritize your self-care, reduce stress, and create healthier habits to feel like your best self!
National Minority Mental Health Month is observed in July as a nationwide effort developed by Mental Health America. It hopes to bring to attention the multitude of mental health experiences within BIPOC communities. The month also takes into consideration the unfair inequities such as systemic and ...
Last week we introduced our Mental Health Awareness Month series with a post about new research showing a connection between probiotic-rich foods, such as kefir, and reduced anxiety. We also talked about the White House’s National Microbiome Initiative (NMI), which will “advance microbiome ...
Proclamation 9112-National Mental Health Awareness Month, 2014Obama, Barack H
May is Mental Health Awareness Month, but what exactly is the definition of Mental Health? In brief, mental health represents a subjective state of psychological (e.g., cognitive, behavioral, emotional) well-being characterized by an individual’s ability to balance and enjoy life activities (e...
4 A decade later, the National Comorbidity Survey (NCS) found that 25% of respondents with 12-month DSM-III-R5 disorders received treatment in the 12 months before the interview.6 In the decade since the baseline NCS, important changes have occurred in the US mental health services delivery ...
“CAPE is proud to be a founding partner of MTV's inaugural Mental Health Action Day. May is both Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month and Mental Health Awareness Month and we're excited to highlight the intersectionality within our communities.” Charity Bomb: “Charity Bomb's con...
The Ambulance Services play a crucial part in providing care and support—during times of a mental health crisis people often contact 999 for help, with 13,000 calls related to mental ill-health received every month in London alone. Mental Health care is a priority area for the National Healt...
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