Empowered to enact laws, the NPC as a whole meets every March, but its various committees, especially its Standing Committee, meet throughout the year to plan and prepare various pieces of legislation that express the political agenda for the year. Deputies of people's congres...
legislationNational standard of food safetyFoodstuffs of seedsHealth promotionWashingDisease in childhoodBackground and aims:As the bad situation of pollution in the foodstuffs of seeds in and outside of China is more and more serious and critical.There is not any concrete regulation or national ...
government can provide more incentives for purchasing whole grain, nuts and seeds, fruits and vegetables and put restrictions or disincentives for less healthy products. The age-standardized DALYs rate attributable to
theUnited Auto Workersunion—which had been providing NOW with office space—withdrew its support, because the ERA would effectively prohibit protective labour legislation for women. When some NOW members called forrepealof all abortion laws, other members left the fledgling organization, convinced that...
National Health Service (NHS), in Great Britain, a comprehensive public-health service under government administration, established by the National Health Service Act of 1946 and subsequent legislation. Virtually the entire population is covered, and hea