doi:10.1111/j.1467-6346.2023.11099.xANGOLABANKING industryLOANSBRANCH banksBANK loansFINANCIAL institutionsThe decrease of Kz459.77bn in Treasury Account liabilities (-81%), and Kz866.06bn in other internal liabilities, likewise influenced the change in the BNA's liabilities. According to the report...
s decision 34 COM 7B.110, a meeting of experts held in October 2010 discussed the establishment of operational guidelines for the implementation of a plan for the conservation/restoration of the site’s built heritage, the establishment of a local ISPAN unit fortheNational HistoryPark, the ...
A secondary analysis using linear regression to calculate the adjusted trends of LOS for each procedure. Adjusted estimates were presented as predictive margins, which are standardized to the covariate distribution of the study population. All P values were 2-sided with a P value of 0.05 as the ...
110StdAA 34/783, Kleindinst an Mayr, 19. 3. 1936.111Zu Buttenhausen vgl. Ayaß, „Asoziale“ im Nationalsozialismus, S. 80–87. Ayaß’ Arbeitbietet einen beklemmenden Einblick in die Vielfalt der Ansätze bei zugleich großer Über-einstimmung in der Zielsetzung des ...
Although tuberculosis is a preventable and treatable disease, it is the cause of more than a million deaths each year.1, 2 Tuberculosis was the leading cause of death from a single infectious pathogen in 2016.1 The ambitious Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) target 3 aims to end the tubercul...
РОССИЯИКАЗАХСТАНПанельнаядискуссиявРоссиииКазахстане–ключевыеслова ASTofaruincthzaanUiaKapocrrcogsosfoeaeturtnlnsnruavsaiabttstdiifinaeirboauorionsnggetinosfdnalniocmiiiioaucnntatscmyraylhnttecmocalaee...
Reports that National Savings & Investment's guaranteed equity bond is offering 110 percent of any FTSE 100 growth over five years with no risk to capital in Great Britain. Availability of the issuance of the ...