Thiscertificateprovesthat theholdercanactasinterpreter,interpreterandfinaleditor oflargeinternationalconferencedocumentsandvarious professionaldocuments,andcanundertakehigh-level translationworkingovernmentdepartments. JuniorCertificateofinterpretation:Thiscertificate confirmsthattheholderisabletoundertakeinterpretation ofgeneral...
5, no. 1, pp. 127-142.Arocha, Izabel S., and Linda Joyce. 2013. "Patient Safety, Professionalization, and Reimbursement as Primary Drivers for National Medical Interpreter Certification in the United States." Translation & Interpreting 5(1): 127-42....
Please provide the information requested about your (the alien’s) application or certification for, or receipt of, public benefits. Please provide all requested information abouteach public benefitregardless of amount or duration, as USCIS will calculate the duration of the public benefit. There is ...