但不管你是兼职、实习还是其他工作,只要在英国工作,就必须拥有National Insurance Number,这是你合法工作的基本身份信息。没有就意味着你是在打黑工! 在正式申请之前,大家可以先检查一下自己的BRP卡,有些BRP卡上已经自带了NI Number,一般印在BRP卡的后面。如果有的话,那你就不需要再额外申请NI号了。 如何申请NI ...
一般找工作都是需要你有NI的。然后你收到的工资他们会通过NI打给你,他们就会自动扣除tax和NI的费用。一般留学生宝宝们的工资没有达到税收标准,就只会扣除你的NI费用。也不用担心他们会多收或者少收,如果他们年末发现多收你的税会退还给你的,小狐狸的室友今年被退回来九百多镑的税呢! 好啦,如果大家还有什么不...
Your National Insurance number is not a tax reference number, but you will often be asked for it when dealing with some departments at HMRC or when contacting your HR department at work with tax queries. Your National Insurance number is your personal account number in relation to your National...
(redirected fromNational Insurance Number) Thesaurus Acronyms national insurance n (Insurance) (in Britain) state insurance based on weekly contributions from employees and employers and providing payments to the unemployed, the sick, the retired, etc, as well as medical services. See alsosocial secur...
The National Insurance number (NINO) is a number in the administration of the social security system or National Insurance used in the United Kingdom. The number also used for some purposes in the UK tax system. Sometime it is a "personal account number" in UK. The number is sometimes re...
A National Insurance Number (NINO) is your unique identifier for the UK tax and social security system. Our tool helps you validate existing NINOs or generate test numbers. NINO Format: Two prefix letters Six digits One suffix letter Example: BN 10 29 66 C ...
Registrierung social security number ssn# ssn steuernummer tax id Steueridentifikationsnr. Steueridentifikationsnummer Steuernr.# Steuernr Steuernummer Steuerregistriernummer Steuer-ID# taxidno# taxidnumber# Steuer-Nr.# taxnumber# taxnumber TIN-ID TIN-Nr. TIN# (Steueridentifikationsnummer)Deutsch...
It is better to get it ASAP so that you pay no emergency tax. 2.2 If you are not yet employed: If you have not yet secured employment you can still apply, as long as you have the right to work in the UK Visitgov.uk NI numberfor more detailed information ...
An Employee can start working without a National Insurance Number if they have the legal Right to work in the U.K, however obtaining National Insurance Numbers for Employees is significant for payroll & tax purposes. We’re here to help you obtain a national insurance number for your employees...
Most common names for national identification numbers are personal code or ID-code or ID-number; personal identification code; social security number; national insurance number; state tax code; tax file number; national identity number; registration number; social insurance number; personal number etc...