NI-VISA can control VXI/VME, PXI, GPIB, or Serial instruments, making the appropriate driver calls depending on the type of instrument being used. NI-VISA uses the same operations to communicate with instruments regardless of the interface type. For example, the NI-VISA command to write an ...
NI製品で作成したインストーラに法律情報を組み込む方法については、<National Instruments>¥_Legal Information.txtを確認してください。 米国政府の権利の制限 お客様が米国政府の機関、省又はその他の事業体 (「米国政府」と総称する) である場合、本書に記載の技術データの使用、複製、再製、公表...
问题:什么是VXI-11,NI-VISA支持它么? 解答: VXI-11 是一种TCP/IP 协议规范工具。本规范是VXI总线规范集合的一部分,定义了一种网络仪器协议,用于TCP/IP 网络通信的控制设备。该协议是由VXI总线联合股份有限公司授权,并由如下公司赞助: 以尖锐股份有限公司 ...
II.包含visaconf.ini 1.将visaconf.ini文件加到你的LabVIEW项目中。可以通过右键LabVIEW项目浏览器中的“我的电脑”选择“添加>>文件”,对于Windows Vista或者以后的版本,visaconf.ini位于C:\ProgramData\National Instruments\NIvisa\visaconf.ini。对于Windows XP或者之前的版本,默认的路径是C:\Documents and Settings...
National Instrumentsfolder, there is anNI-VISAfolder. This folder includes theNI-VISA Help, as well as several groups of C examples using NI-VISA. This NI-VISA folder also includes a graphical utility called NI-VISA Configuration to configure VISA options and the VISA Interactive Control (VISA...
NI-VISA 15.5 Updated documentation for NI-VISA .NET API, available in yourUsers/Public/Documents/National Instruments/NI-VISA/Documentationdirectory. Improved performance of viInXX and viOutXX functions. NI-VISA 15.0 Added support for the industry standard API for VISA .NET as specified by the IV...
NI-VISA 18.5 Added support for LabVIEW NXG 3.0 NI-VISA 17.5 Added support for LabVIEW NXG 2.0. NI-VISA 17.0 Dropped support for GPIB-VXI controllers. NI-VISA 15.5 Updated documentation for NI-VISA .NET API, available in yourUsers/Public/Documents/National Instruments/NI-VISA/Documentationdirector...
Instruments implementation of VISA, and related documentation. This document describes how to install your NI-VISA software.The NI-VISA software in this kit is compatible with both the SUN and GSUN frameworks for both Solaris 1.x and Solaris 2.x. With NI-VISA installed on your computer, you...
NI-VISA NI-VISA 5.1 The Virtual Instrument Software Architecture (VISA) is a standard for configuring, programming, and troubleshooting instrumentation systems comprising GPIB, VXI, PXI, Serial, Ethernet, and/or USB interfaces. Download NI-VISA by National Instruments...
NI-VISA等之间的任意组合)。 G."软件服务"指与该软件相关的维护和技术支持或其他软件服务计划,在每种情况下,该服 务由NI提供并在相应的报价或其他要约文件中所确定的时间内持续有效。该软件服务计划 将在与软件服务成员资格一并提供的文件中进一步说明和/或,如果是VLP许可证,在VLP 文件中进一步说明。 H."学生...