制造商NI [National Instruments Corporation] 网页http://www.NI.com 标志 功能描述DataAcquisitionandSignalConditioningDriverSoftwareOptions 类似零件编号 - NI-DAQMX 制造商部件名数据表功能描述 TAITIEN ELECTRONICS CO...NI-100M-2900 1Mb/4POven Controlled Crystal Oscillator NI...
다른 OS를 지원하는 NI-DAQmx의 이전 버전을 다운로드하려면 ni.com/downloads를 참조하십시오.NI-DAQmx는 Windows 7/Vista/XP에서 Guest 계정을 지원하지 않습니다. 이러한 OS에서 NI-DAQmx를 사용하려면 ...
Visual Studio와 NI-DAQmx 이전 버전의 호환성에 대한 정보는,ni.com/info에서 정보 코드NETlegacydrivers를 입력하여 참조하십시오. 드라이버의 이전 버전을 다운로드하려면ni.com/downloads를 참조하십시...
Home Support 视频信号触发NI的高速数字化仪(示波器) 视频信号触发NI的高速数字化仪(示波器)主要软件: 主要软件版本: 1.1主要软件修正版本: N/A次要软件: LabVIEW Development Systems>>LabVIEW Professional Development System硬件: Modular Instruments>>High-Speed Digitizers (Scopes)>>PCI-5122, Modular Instruments...
NI-DAQmx Programming 我的徽章| 书签 Understand the functions used to program data acquisition devices and the benefits of different options. This badge holder can use the NI-DAQmx driver to measure, generate, and synchronize data acquisition tasks. They can program finite or continuous acquisitions ...
See all Driver Software Downloads NI-DAQmx Provides support for NI data acquisition and signal conditioning devices. NI-VISA Provides support for Ethernet, GPIB, serial, USB, and other types of instruments. NI-488.2 Provides support for NI GPIB controllers and NI embedded controllers with ...
校准NI9232要求校准系统安装NI-DAQmx9.4或更高版本。访问ni/downloads可下 载NI-DAQmx。NI-DAQmx支持多种编程语言。例如,LabVIEW、LabWindows ™ /CVI ™ 、 C/C++、C#和VisualBasic.NET。安装NI-DAQmx时仅需安装应用程序开发环境(ADE) 的支持文件。
CONTACTS AT NI.COM National Instruments Domain Administrator 11500 ●●● Expwy Au●●in, TX, 78759 US 1.51●●●0100 ma●●●@ni.com National Instruments Domain Administrator 11500 ●●● Expwy Au●●in, TX, 78759 US 1.51●●●0100 ma●●●@...
美国国家仪器有限公司(National Instruments, 简称NI)发布了2款全新的基于USB总线的高性能M系列多功能数据采集设备(DAQ),新的NI USB-6221和USB-6229数据采集设备能以250KS/s的单通道采样率提供高达32路模拟输入,这两款新产品的问世将NI的USB数据采集产品线扩展到40种之多。现在NI 提供从低价位,到1 MS/s采样速率...
DASYLab使用NI DAQmx驱动程序与NI硬件进行通信。 在安装DASYLab之前,您应该从National Instruments安装相应的NI-DAQmx驱动程序。使用NI Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX)配置您的硬件和测量任务 安装DASYLab时,要选择的典型驱动程序是NI-DAQmx驱动程序(不带CAN)。