The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) is one of 27 Institutes and Centers of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Formally established in 1949, it was one of the first four NIH Institutes. Research and research training at NIMH address a variety of mental disorders, including ...
Headquarters, in other field units, or in institutes will be reviewed to ensure that they clearly and effectively provide for full prior agreement between the traveller and the head of the corresponding cluster/national office. 用一个具体的事例 来作说明,任何一个教科文组织的成...
National Health Service n. (英国)国民医疗服务制度 The National Institute of Mental Health 国立精神卫生研究所 national public health system 全国公共卫生体系 Confucius Institutes 孔子学院 institutes of medicine 【医】 医学基本原理(旧名,指生理学、病理学及近缘科学) public institutes 事业单位 相似...
The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) is part of the federal government of the United States and the largest research organization in the world specializing in mental illness. Use the CB Insights Platform to explore National Institute of Mental
Below are guidelines adapted from the National Institute of Mental Health offering recommendations for dealing with depression. ParaCrawl Corpus 当美国国家国家卫生研究院(National Institutes of Health)的分支机构国家人类基因组研究所(National Human Genome Research Institute)启动Encode计划的时候,DNA测序和计算生...
National Health Service national holiday national hunt national income national information infrastructure national infrastructure National Institute of Justice National Institute of Mental Health National Institute of Standards and Technology National Institutes of Health ...
摘要: The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) is a part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) which focuses on clinical research associated with mental illness and behavioral disorders through...DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4614-6439-6_661-2 被引量: 5218 ...
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) is a pivotal component of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and serves as the nation’s primary agency responsible for biomedical and public health research. Founded in 1887 and headquartered in Bethesda, Maryland, the NIH is composed of ...
美国国立卫生研究院(National Institutes of Health),简称“NIH”,位于美国马里兰州贝塞斯达(Bethesda),是美国最高水平的主要医学与行为学研究机构,初创于1887年,该院任务是探索生命本质和行为学方面的基础知识,并充分运用这些知识延长人类寿命,以及预防、诊断和治疗各种疾病和残障。该院在近几十年取得的研究成果...