National Awarded Fire and Safety Organization- Accredited with A+ Grade By Government of India | Asia’s Most Famous and No. 1 Fire and Safety College- World Class Fire and Safety Training
fire & safety service project
checks of fire safety equipment and supervising a teamoffiresafety assistants(nationalGeneral Service staff), with a view to addressing emergency situations. 分配给这些员额的主要任务将包括开展消防安全宣 传活动和消防演习,进行消防安全设备检查,以及在紧急情况下督...
role in protecting the environment and focuses on the implementation of environmental policies. (a) 國家環境署(National Environment Agency):該署在保 護環境 方面擔當最重要的角色,並專責推行環境政策。 [...] before any fire safety work commences, while the National En...