Questionnaire data indicated that the households with leu- kemiacases usedelecnicalappliancesmore~uenUtyhandid the controls. Most of the 146cases had acute lymphoid leuke- mia, Lin told Microwave News in Milwaukee. Therewere 305 controls. Lin was the f~ researcher to report a link between EMF...
In Tanzania there is a national HIS called Mfumo wa Taarifa za Uendeshaji Huduma za Afya (MTUHA). It comprises a guideline/manual, a series of registers for primary data collection and secondary data books where information from the registers is totalled or used for calculations. Methods A ...
Some authors also point out that although a growing number of HEIs are making efforts to include sustainability in their planning and activities, the analysis of the sustainable development plans and strategies of universities shows that they often lack a holistic vision of sustainability [12,17] ...
Societal adaption of rules to new challenges can be spontaneous and informal at th2e.1l.eAvSehlorot fNsotoe coniathlerCeolnacteipot onf sGhovieprnsanacne d networks. However, modern societies also delegate governance fucnhcatllieGonongvesesrt[n9oa]n.sGcpeoevccearninaablniezceuenhddaseirnass...
[15]. It is a dimensionless number (also often expressed as a ratio) that expresses the result of energy returns over energy invested. Most EROI studies consider an energy supply technology for a particular resource type and in a particular location. Such studies typically have the "mine-mouth...
Education was defined as: College (>16 y). Income to poverty ratio (IPR) cut-points were set at: <1.3; 1.3–1.849; 1.85–2.99; >3. 2.2. Measures of Diet Quality The Nutrient Rich Foods (NRF) index was the principal measure of nutrient density of the total diet [19,24,25]. Its ...