National Identity Card,简称NID卡,是一种由政府发行的便携式文件,通常制作成塑化卡片的形式。这张卡片内置了持卡人的数字信息,包括但不限于姓名、性别、出生日期、国籍等基本信息,以及可能的生物识别特征如指纹或面部扫描数据。NID卡的主要目的是作为持卡人身份的有效证明,确保在各...
当提及缩写词"CNIC"时,它直指"Computerized National Identity Card",即"计算机化身份证"。这个术语在中文中有着明确的含义,其拼音为"jì suàn jī huà shēn fèn zhèng"。根据数据,CNIC在英语中的流行度达到了25,870,显示出其在特定领域的广泛应用。CNIC作为一个政府性缩写词,它主要用于官方...
From accessing essential services to navigating the complexities of modern society, this seemingly simple card unlocks a world of opportunities. The Foundation of Identity: The Chinese national ID card is a symbol of citizenship and serves as the official proof of identity for ever...
1. 永久居民身份证(Permanent Resident Identity Card,简称PR卡):在成为永久居民后,您可以申请PR卡以确认自己是新加坡的永久居民。2. 新加坡身份证(National Identity Card,简称NRIC):在获得PR卡后,您可以申请NRIC。这是新加坡公民或永久居民的身份证明,身份证号码与个人身份有关。3. 护照(Passpo...
NRIC stands for National Registration Identity Card in Singapore, a mandatory identification document for all citizens and permanent residents
你这个问题是进入其他国家(如美国旅游签证 EVUS登记 )填资料时最为常见的问题。完整的问题应该是: have you ever been issued a passport or national identity card for travel by any other country?中文翻译是:你是否获得过其他国家(中国外的其他国家)签发的用于旅行的护照或者身份证?中国是不...
A national identity card for Hong KongAn exemplary roll-out in Hong Kong Hong Kong, or more precisely, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China (HKSAR), has a population of 7,5 million. In 2003, Hong Kong started its national identity card program. ...
1、”National identity card number “意思是:身份识别卡号码、全国居民身份证号码 2、双语例句 1 、 All three telecommunication operators, China Mobile, China Telecom and China Unicom have received the notice that a mobile user has to show his identity card before purchasing a mobile ...
National-identity-card-number 全国居民身份证号码 例句.1.Note: Student ID for both domestic and foreign students National Identity Card number for faculty.注意事项: 学生(含本国与外籍学生)请输入学号,教职员工及眷属请输入身分证字号。 fact , the Ministry of Public Security of the ...