the United States reported on the reasons that led to the identification of databases and the selection of performance indicators that can be used for the monitoring process, which, in some cases, have not been fully implemented. For instance, Italy relies on EU key performance indicators (KPIs...
The differential competencies involved IP management; national patenting; consulting provided by researchers; identification of the areas of excellence in each research institution, based on the number of registered patents, publications and relevance of the research groups. The methodological proposition for...
In the early twentieth century, forestry was one of the most important sectors in Norway and an agitated discussion about the perceived decline of forest resources due to over-exploitation was ongoing. To base the discussion on facts, the young state of
Ladistributiondesécrevisses,commeonpouvaits'yattendre,estagrégéespa- tialement.Ladimensionmoyennedel’habitatde19.03mcorrespondàdes donnéestrouvéesdanslalittérature,maisaucunedifférenceentrelessexesn'a ététrouvée. (1)DepartmentofBiology,FacultyofScience,UniversityofZagreb,Rooseveltovtrg6,10000Zagreb,Cr...
Esta evaluación, realizada por las instituciones, refleja la importancia que la Comunidad atribuye a la cooperación «universalista» lograda por algunos Estados miembros en el sector de los conflictos de leyes, y el deseo de la Comunidad de mantener abiertos los «canales» de ...
Identification, Chemical and Biological Assays in Determining the Role of Anti-Oxidants in FoodApplication of Surfactant and/or Biosurfactants in Food IndustryApplications of Polymeric Nanomaterials in the Food IndustryArtificial Intelligence and Computer Vision Applications in Food Science and IndustryBee Prod...
Large nwucalteearsevsoalnudmmeesta(l1io0n0s–1th0a0t0mLak)euitsduiafflilcyulnt etoedexttroacbt eRNpAro. cFeosrstehdis.reUaslotrna, fithletrdaettieocntiotnecohf nviirquuseess with electroinpowsaitteivr reecqoumirems seprecciiafilcmmeemthobdras ninevso,lcvoinugpvlierdal wpairtthicaleScoYnB...
the lowest level of public investment (2.67% of the Fondo Nacional de Desarrollo Regional—National Fund for Regional Development (FNDR)) in relation to the national total), the one with the largest area of spaces subjected to official state protection (57.4%) and the lowest number of socio-...
rrceessouinrcfoesreisntsf,oarnesdtst,haenmdotvheemmeonvt eomf weniltdoliffewtioldtlhifeehtuomthaen hluanmdasncalpaen.dOscnaepeo.f Othneesolfuthioensomluatyiobnes tmheayknboewtlheedgkenowf tlyepdegse oofflotycapteisonosf, wlohcaetrieonths,e wathtaecrkestahree actotancckesnatrraetecdon. ...
The identification of levels and external and internal factors makes it possible to develop a model of the development of national and ethnic minorities (Figure 6). It is assumed that the achievement of the basic goals of sustainable development is determined by internal and external factors. ...