中文:你必须至少18岁并持有有效的国民身份证才能申请驾驶证。 英文同义表达: “citizen identification card”:直接翻译为“公民身份证”,在一些国家可能更常用。 “government-issued ID”:这是一个更通用的表达,指的是由政府颁发的身份证件,不一定是身份证,也可能是护照、驾照等。 “personal identity document”:...
国家身份证(National ID Card)NCSC:国家计算机安全中心 (National Computer Security Center)子网掩码 (Netmask) … blog.sina.com.cn|基于9个网页 3. 身份证和复印件 畅游在阿拉斯加和落基山脉中_自由行天下 ... 11 Hukou of the family 户口簿 12National ID Card身份证和复印件... ...
national id card翻译中文national id card翻译中文 国民身份证是一种用于标识国家公民的重要证件,也是现代社会不可或缺的一部分。在各个国家,国民身份证的制度和管理方式都不尽相同。在中国,国民身份证是由公安部门负责发放和管理,并且是实现社会管理、公共服务、身份认证和信息统计的重要工具。 国民身份证具有许多功能...
美国没有所谓的“national ID card”就是因为民众对政府侵犯隐私特别敏感,de facto ID是社会保险号,发放的时候信封里会特意提醒不需要随身携带,不需要随意透露给他人(甚至是银行职员)...当时年轻不懂事觉得太过了,身份证而已怎么就侵犯隐私了...现在回想人家这是防微杜渐... ...
解析 national id card网 络国民身份证;身份证和复印件;国家身份证;中国身分证双语例句1.Use your national ID card number as your Username when creating your account.\x09在建立您的账户时,请以您的身份证号码作... 分析总结。 x09在建立您的账户时请以您的身份证号码作...
Keywords:NationalIDcard,SmartIDcard,identitycard,ResidentIDcards,Security 1.Introduction TheNationalIDcardisoneofofficialcardswhichcan provewhoyouare,andcanalsoshowuniquehuman identities.Manycountries,suchasSaudiArabiaand Germany,forcetheircitizenstocarrytheiridentitycard ...
The case of the US national ID The case of the US citizen IDis somewhat similar.There is nonational ID card in the USAstricto sensu. Today,the Social Security Cardcan be used to verify identity on certain occasions: employment, obtaining a passport, a driver's license, or...
身份盗窃指有人未经你允许使用你的名字、信用卡号码等个人识别信息。一、国家身份证 信息、计算机和网络安全术语及词汇-网络安全-挖豆网 ... national ID card国家身份证 national identity card国家身份证 National Strategy to Secure Cyberspace(网络空间国家安全战略) ...二、 国民身份证 短语 Nation...
Introduction The National ID card is one of official cards which can prove who you are, and can also show unique human identities. Many countries, such as Saudi Arabia and Germany, force their citizens to carry their identity card with them all the time, in while; a number of counties, ...
The Sultanate's national ID program started in 2006 and has reached 100% of its population. Every citizen and resident with an ID card also has their unique civil number. Smart ID cards enable the Sultanate of Oman to provide secure public services to its population. The computerized card ...