In 1984, he decreed a day for ice cream, and his proclamation actually glorified the dairy industry in America. In fact, Americans still lead the world when it comes to eating this frozen delight: 23 gallons a year to be precise. Reagan also proclaimed July as National Ice Cream month, ...
Well, ice cream has acquired the national dessert status which is more than enough reasons to have a special day to celebrate it. This day also brings all ice cream lovers together, poor or rich regardless of religion and race. It is a symbol of unity. The Month of July can get pretty...
Clipart, animations and pictures for the celebration of Ice Cream Day and National Ice Cream Month. Images created for social sites such as Facebook. Woman eating ice cream, snoopy eating ice cream, ice cream in a bowl, with cookies, cup or a cone. Happy
World Kebab Day –The second Friday of the month. World Population Day July 12 Different Colored Eyes Day Pecan Pie Day July 13 Barbershop Music Appreciation Day Embrace Your Geekness Day Fool’s Paradise Day National French Fries Day National Nitrogen Ice Cream Day Oxymoron Day July 14 Barn...
National Ice Cream Day is celebrated on the third Sunday in July, which happens to also be National Ice Cream Month in the United States! In 1984, President Ronald Reagan signed into law a resolution to designate July as National Ice Cream Month and the third Sunday of July as National Ice...
Tankersley, Marta
National Ice Cream Month Activities Host an ice cream party Next time you're having a barbecue this summer, add an ice cream bar! You can do it potluck style—supply several different flavors of ice cream and ask your friends to bring their favorite toppings. You might not be the life ...
From July 1 to 7, 2024, Wendy's is celebrating National Ice Cream Month with a free small Frosty with a minimum $5 purchase.
Body of teacher who went missing along with fiancée found in lake after monthlong search Updated: 13 hours ago| By Atlanta News First staff and Gray News staff The teacher and his fiancée went missing in Lake Oconee when an empty boat was found circling on the water. Her body was reco...
1 Sun National Hobby Month 1 Sun National Hangover Day 1 Sun Emancipation Proclamation Anniversary 1 Sun National Chocolate Covered Cherry Day 2 Mon World Introvert Day 2 Mon National Buffet Day 2 Mon National Thank God It's Monday Day 2 Mon National Science Fiction Day 3 Tue Inte...