List of Holidays in Japan in 2024 DayDateHoliday NameTypeComments Monday Jan 01 New Year's Day National Holiday Monday Jan 08 Coming-of-Age Day National Holiday 2nd Monday of January Sunday Feb 11 National Foundation Day National Holiday National Day Monday Feb 12 National Foundation Day (in...
Japan observes 16 national holidays throughout the year. On these days schools and public offices are closed, and many employers give workers the day off. June and December are the only months without a national holiday. When are the next National holidays in Japan?
In total there are 15 Japanese National Holidays throughout the year. Let’s find out when they are, what they are and why they are so important in Japan.
In Japan, the period between June to July is known as the rainy season; a time when it constantly rains due to the influence of the seasonal rain front. When compared to other countries, rather than a torrential rain, the rainy season is a continuous drizzle over a long period of time....
Holidays in Japan 2026 Is National Foundation Day a Public Holiday? National Foundation Day is a public holiday. It is a day off for the general population, and schools and most businesses are closed. National Foundation Day Observances Showing: Year Weekday DateNameHoliday Type 2020 星期二 2...
If you would like totravelduring some of national holidays in Japan, using one of the hotel booking websites listed inthis articlewill help you find accommodation. There are also manyEnglish-speaking travel agenciesthat can make travel in Japan very easy and convenient. ...
Japan 11th February National Foundation Day Serbia 15th February Statehood day Lithuania 16th February Independence Day Kosovo 17th February Independence Day Gambia 18th February Independence Day Saudi Arabia 22nd February Founding Day Saint Lucia 22nd February Independence Day Brunei 23rd February...
of the national holidays—the most popular In the Netherlands(荷兰), King's Day marks the birthday of King willlem-Alexander. The festival is celebrated on April 27 every year. On king's Day, you will be experienced the market of the whole country and giant concerts outdoor in Amsterdam....
A mild January is said to bring a colder February, while “as the days lengthen, the cold strengthens.” In Scotland and Northern Europe, first-footing—being the first to enter a home on New Year’s Day—brings luck, especially if the visitor is tall and dark-haired. In Japan, daruma...