爱尔兰国家博物馆-考古历史 National Museum of Ireland – Archaeology & History *点击以缩略图片,查看大图!爱尔兰国家博物馆考古历史馆是由Thomas Newenham Deane和Thomas Manly Deane父子于1890年共同设计。馆内展示了爱尔兰史前时期的一些文物,包括早期的黄金、教堂宝藏、维京海盗时期以及中世纪的情况。 博物馆还展示...
Founded in 1890, the National Museum of Ireland (Ard-Mhúsaem na hÉireann) is a major cultural institution consisting of four centres: three in the capital Dublin and one in County Mayo. The National Museum of Ireland has a strong focus on Irish art, the history of Irish art and Celtic...
爱尔兰国家自然历史博物馆 National Museum of Ireland Natural History *点击以缩略图片,查看大图!博物馆由苏格兰知名探险家戴维·利文斯通博士(Dr David Livington)于1857年创立,收藏了来自世界各地成千上万种不同的动植物标本,大到史前恐龙、鲸鱼,小到玻璃罐中的昆虫应有尽有。
National Museum of Ireland - Decorative Arts & History on OOKL - the place to discover museums, art galleries, zoos, botanic gardens, historic houses, events, exhibitions and other places to visit and things to do for you and kids near you and around the
The museum's sister museums are made up of the stuffed beasts of theMuseum of Natural History, the decorative arts section atCollins Barracks, and acountry life museumin County Mayo, on Ireland’s west coast. Address Kildare St Get In Touch ...
Good selection ofexhibits. Compared to the naturalhistory museumaround the corner it's moremodern, with some excellentexhibits. Beautiful building, too. Upvote8Downvote Upvoted 1 week ago Noura SayedJune 17, 2017 Nice, free entry. Has sections on Vikings & Medieval Ireland which was nice to se...
National Museum of Ireland - Archaeology 都柏林的国家博物馆有三个分区,archaeology与natural history离得很近。馆内设展方式真是花样繁多,完全不是只靠平面啊。而且市内装饰从天花板到墙壁到地面本身也是...
National Gallery of Ireland National Gallery of Modern Art National Gallery of Prague National Gallery of the Spoken Word National Gallery of Victoria National Gallery of Victoria International National Gambling Amendment Bill of 2007 National Gambling Board National Gambling Counselor Certification Board Nati...
National Museum of Ireland Northern Ireland Prisoner of war Republic of Ireland Social History The Troubles Uncategorized War of Independence World History World War I 19th century 20th Century 1913 Lockout 1916 Rising Commemoration Decade of Commemorations Irish Civil War Irish in World...
圣地亚哥首都大区National Museum of History旅游图库,携程攻略社区! 汇集了圣地亚哥首都大区National Museum of History旅游驴友的精选上传旅游照片、景点照片、风景图片、图库、相册,记录圣地亚哥首都大区National Museum of History旅游行程中的名胜景点、风土人情等旅