国家历史日(National History Day)是以6~12年级的国际学校学生为对象,配合美国历史教育的一项全国性的历史竞赛活动。 每年,全世界有超过五十万的学生参与国家历史日竞赛,他们将独立地完成一项历史研究计划,并设计出研究成果的展示方式。 国家历史日 无论你的性别、民族、肤色或者宗教信仰是什么,只要你热爱历史,有关心...
NHD比赛官网截图 大赛英文全称:National History Day(NHD)Contest 大赛主办方:National History Day(NHD)。NHD是一个非营利性教育组织,成立于1974年。NHD总部设在美国马里兰州,每年吸引世界各地60多万初高中学生进行和发表有关历史主题的原创研究。 大赛主旨:这项比赛是一个为期一年的学术项目,专注于培养6至12年级学生...
最新消息:美国国家历史日竞赛(National History Day,以下简称NHD)中国赛区刚刚开放报名! 比赛官网截图 如上图可见,NHD中国赛区已于2023年10月9日开放报名,报名截止日期为2023年12月22日。 作为全美中学生最值得参与的历史类盛赛之一,NHD致力于帮助学生感悟历史研究的魅力、培养和建立历史性思维、锻炼综合能力以获得进一...
在今年三月初,我们分享了睿雅学子在NHD美国国家历史日(National History Day)竞赛中获得麻省地区级竞赛第一名的出色表现! 今天,喜讯再度传来:热烈祝贺睿雅学子在NHD历史竞赛中拿下伊利诺伊州地区级竞赛奖项1枚,成功晋级该州的州级竞赛! 至此,已有两位睿雅学子在该竞赛的地区级赛事阶段取得胜利,成功晋级到所在州的州...
全国历史日竞赛(National History Day ) ,通常在每年的9 月开学时,竞赛的资料便寄给各校的历史老师,有兴趣的不妨问问学 …usagz.bailitop.com|基于7个网页 3. 七年级参加美国历史日竞赛 女儿的高... ... 第二列说她被选入 商业管理( Business Administration) 七年级参加美国历史日竞赛( National History Day...
The 2024 competition was based on the theme of Turning Points in History. National History Day celebrated its 50 year so there was a high degree of anticipation around the event. The trip lasted one week. We flew from Shanghai to Do...
National History Day (NHD) is an esteemed non-profit organization dedicated to promoting historical research and fostering a passion for learning among students and educators. With a mission to enhance history education in middle and high sch...
We wanted to take this opportunity to tell you a little about the history and current practices around National Day, as well as teach you some useful words.The PRC was founded on September the 21st, 1949. National Day however is celebrated on the 1st October. Why the difference I hear ...
摘要: Highlights the celebration of the National History 2001 Day by middle and high school students in the United States. Number of participants in the contest; Information on the procedures and qualifications for the history day activities; Tips to aim and avoid in a history day project....
National History Day 12+ DAY NATIONAL HISTORY INC 免费 截屏 iPhone iPad 简介 The official National History Day app gives you the tools to navigate and stay up-to-date on the National History Day Contest. The NHD app allows you to create your own schedule of student-produced performances, ...