1989-90 National Health Survey: prev- alence of self-reported diabetes in Australia. Med J Aust 1995; 163:129-32.Welborn T, Knuiman M, Bartholomew H, Whittall D: 1989 -90 National Health Sur- vey: prevalence of self-reported diabetes in Australia. Med J Aust 163:129 -132, 1995...
1989‐90 National Health Survey: prevalence of self‐reported diabetes in Australia doi:10.5694/j.1326-5377.1995.tb127959.xMedical Journal of AustraliaWelborn, Timothy AKnuiman, Matthew WBartholomew, Helen CWhittall, Davina E
The National Survey of Mental Health and Well-being in Australia has provided a rare opportunity to investigate not only the sociodemographic distribution of well-being, but also how it is related to impaired mental or physical health, to specific groups of psychiatric disorders and disability in ...
nhis_design<-update(nhis_design ,one =1,poverty_category =factor(findInterval( povrattc_a ,c(1,2,4) ) ,labels =c("below poverty","100-199%","200-399%","400%+")) ,fair_or_poor_reported_health =ifelse( phstat_a%in%1:5,as.numeric( phstat_a>=4) ,NA) ,sex_a =factor(...
The overall objectives of the present survey were: (1) to describe the oral health status of Chinese children and adults in the 2015-2016 4th National Oral Health Survey; (2) to investigate the oral health knowledge, attitudes, and behaviours among children and adults; (3) to explore the ...
Survey Design Definition Construct a complex sample survey design: library(survey)nhanes_design<-svydesign(id =~sdmvpsu ,strata =~sdmvstra ,nest =TRUE,weights =~wtmec4yr ,data =nhanes_df) Variable Recoding Add new columns to the data set: ...
CPCA along with Asian Pacific Community Health Organizations (AAPCHO) will be co-leading the National Health Center Immigration Workgroup to help align the health center voice nationally around immigration issues, in particular around public charge. We will be working in partnership with NACHC and ...
2024 survey results: Boosting benefits, managing cost Shifting trends, cost challenges, disruptive strategies – as always, there is a lot to digest in the results of Mercer’s latest National Survey of Employer-Sponsored Health Plans, now in its 39th year. Despite a second year of elevated c...
Contraceptive Use in Australia: Evidence from the 1995 National Health Survey. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecol- ogy, 1999. 39(1): p. 58-62.Yusuf, F. and S. Siedlecky, Contraceptive use in Australia: evidence from the 1995 National Health Survey. Australian and...
“79 per cent of Irish people visited a GP in the previous 12 months, but this rose to nearly 90 per cent for holders of full medical card and GP visit cards. They also visited far more frequently” (“The Irish Times view on the survey of national health: a good result but work ...