Development of competency-based University health promotion courses The Curtin University Centre for Health Promotion Research, in conjunction with the Australian Association of Health Promotion Professionals (AAHPP), the National Heart Foundation of Australia and the Health Department of Western Austral....
The National Health Plan presents a global overview about brazillians health situation, but doesn't bring factive solutions and do not support the engagement to health promotion. The National Health Plan is not in line with the Global engagement for enhancing Health Promotion and the Sustainable ...
A comprehensive literature review was undertaken to: (i) identify and summarise the research evidence regarding barriers and enablers of health promotion, prevention and early intervention (PPEI) in primary care to reduce the risk of chronic disease in the older population; and (ii) use this evid...
Over the course of the twentieth century, compulsory health insurance programs have been expanded to cover ever greater portions of national populations—hence the term ‘national.’ National health insurance programs are in place in most of Europe, Latin America, Canada, Australia, and Japan. When...
An examination of the benefits of health promotion programs for the national fire service. BMC Public Health 2013;13:805.Poston WS, Haddock CK, Jahnke SA, Jitnarin N, Day RS. An examination of the benefits of health promotion programs for the national fire service. BMC Public Health 2013...
Morgan, G., 2012. Health promotion for older people in Wales: preliminary evaluation of the National Service Framework for Older People. International Journal of Health Promotion and Education (in press).Morgan G (2012) Health promotion for older people in Wales: preliminary evaluation of the ...
Developing a process-evaluation plan for assessing health promotion program implementation: a how-to guide. Health Promot Pract. 2005;6(2):134–47. 45. Bouffard JA, Taxman FS, Silverman R. Improving process evaluations of correctional programs by using a comprehensive evaluation methodology. Eval...
Hospitals may be operated by non-profit voluntary, regional health, or municipal authorities, with payment by block budgets. This Medicare-type plan was later adopted in a number of other countries including Australia. Figure 13.1 indicates the distribution of governmental and private funding of ...
Ulla Gustafsson (Department of Sociology Roehampton Institute, London and Sarah Nettleton, Institute of Health Sciences, University of Northumbria at Newcastle) Citation: Ulla Gustafsson, (1992) "THE HEALTH OF TWO NATIONS; NATIONAL STRATEGIES FOR PUBLIC HEALTH AND HEALTH PROMOTION IN ENGLAND AND SWED...
The NIH is the major federal biomedical research funding agency within the United States, and NIH funding has become a priority in institutional decisions on faculty recruitment, salary, promotion, and tenure. The implicit assumption is that well-funded investigators will maintain their funding success...