Health FinancePrivate Sector EngagementStrategic PurchasingThe Government of India approved the National Health Policy (NHP) 2017 on 15 March 2017. The NHP sets the goal in term of the attainment of the highest possibleBhat, RameshSocial Science Electronic Publishing...
NHP (2017). National Health Policy 2017. NITI Aayog. (2017). Nourishing India: The National Nutrition Strategy. Government of India. NITI Aayog...
“In 2017, the government announced the NHP, with major focus on quality and affordable healthcare to all. The government’s focus on Universal Health Coverage (UHC) is expected to offer several opportunities for diverse stakeholders of healthcare sector and contribute to health & wellbeing of t...
The Union cabinet approved the National Health Policy 2017. NHP 2017 provides the much-needed policy framework for achieving universal health coverage and delivering quality health care services to all at an affordable cost. It seeks to strengthen the health surveillance system and establish registries ...
With this broad objective, the first National Health Policy (NHP) of the country was adopted in 1983 and was subsequently revised in 2002. The Government of India is now in the process of finalising the National Health Policy, 2015. The National Health Policy looks the population control ...
Health policy formulations in India have witnessed a shift from a reactive to a more proactive approach over the last decade. The National Health Policy (NHP) 2002 focused on accessibility and availability issues in availing affordable health care [1]. It tried to address the polarization of hea...
Adult measures of general health and health-related quality of life: Medical Outcomes Study Short Form 36-Item (SF-36) and Short Form 12-Item (SF-12) Health Surveys, Nottingham Health Profile (NHP), Sickness Impact Profile (SIP), Medical Outcomes Study Short Form 6D (SF-6D), Health ...
Using secondary data analysis from government sources, we observed health budget trends relative to GDP from 2017 to 2022. The study found a marginal increase in public health expenditure from 0.9% to 1.6% of GDP, which is below the NHP's target of 2.5%. The results underscore the challenge...
Nhp, TheMinistry of Health and Family Welfare (2002). National Health Policy 2002 (India). Available at http://www.mohfw. Accessed on 30 March 2012.Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, GoI (2002), National Health Policy of India. ...