Suboptimal Physical Activity In Healthcare Personnel: National Health Interview Survey 2018 Datadoi:10.1249/01.mss.0001053348.48036.99Pamela G. BowenThe University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL.Paula LeviThe University of South Alabama, Mobile, AL.Stephanie Hammond...
Racial/Ethnic Variability in Hypertension Prevalence and Risk Factors in National Health Interview Survey, ISRN Hypertension, volume 2013 (2013), Article ID 257842Holmes L, Hossain J, Word D, Opara F. Racial/Ethnic Variability in Hypertension Prevalence and Risk Factors inNotional Health Interview ...
研究人员说,据「国民健康访问调查」(National Health Interview Survey)数万受访者的回覆、以及人口普查局(Census Bur…|基于18个网页 2. 全美健康访问调查 ...87名多发性硬化症患者,这些病患同时也是2002年全美健康访问调查(National Health Interview Survey)的参访对象,当年调 … ...
Health-related quality of life MCS: Mental Component Summary (also called the Mental Health Composite Scale) MHOS: Medicare Health Outcomes Survey MI: Multiple imputation NHIS: National Health Interview Survey PCS: Physical Component Summary (also called the Physical Health Composite Scale) ...
We used data from the 2018 National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) dataset, a nationally representative sample, in which only Hispanic ethnicity participants (N=3,091) were analyzed. Average sleep duration was self-reported and measured in hours. Emotional distress was measured using Kessler 6, ...
Synonyms NHIS Definition The National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) is an annual, cross-sectional survey that tracks the health and well-being of the noninstitutionalized, civilian population of the United States (Botman, Moore, Moriarity, & Parsons, 2000 ; Kovar & Poe, 1985 ; Massey, Morre...
Perform a chi-squared test of association for survey data: # MIsvychisq( ~ fair_or_poor_reported_health + sex_a , nhis_design ) Perform a survey-weighted generalized linear model: glm_result<-MIcombine(with( nhis_design ,svyglm( agep_a~fair_or_poor_reported_health+sex_a )) )summary...
National Health Interview Survey The principal source of information on the health of the U.S. population National Health Interview Survey S ince 195 7 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Center for Health Statistics What is the National...
J. Concurrent visual and hearing impairment and risk of mortality: the National Health Interview Survey. Arch. Ophthalmol. 124, 95–101, (2006). Article PubMed Google Scholar Cugati, S. et al. Visual impairment, age-related macular degeneration, ...
Public healthInterviewsVital statisticsExperimental designStatistical analysisThe National Health Interview Survey utilizes a questionnaire which obtains information on personal and demographic characteristics, illness, injuries, impairments, chronic conditions, other selected health characteristics and the use of ...