the authorized Selected Reserve end strengths for FY2013 are the same as those for FY2012 for the Army National Guard, the Army Reserve, and the Marine Corps Reserve. The Navy Reserve's authorized end strength was 66,200 in FY2012, but the Administration requested a decrease to 62,500 (-...
Maria Murgui herself has posted a missing person’s message on social media with a photo of her father, a 57-year-old retiree. “This is like riding a rollercoaster. Sometimes I feel very bad and sometimes I feel better. I try to stay positive,” she said. “This truly is madness. W...
Coast Guard personnel; U.S.–Republic of Kazakhstan double taxation treaty; Eljay B. Bowron; Community Reinvestment Act; Eugene A. Ludwig; Health Care Task Force; Health Security Act; Maurice B. Foley congressional testimony; GATT; Lloyd Bentsen on Meet the Press; U.S.-Russia tax treaty; ...