Abstract: Mission-Related and Interpersonal Deployment Stressors Among Army National Guard Women Veterans (Society for Social Work and Research 15th Annual Conference: Emerging Horizons for Social Work Research)
You can get trained for half a year and then get deployed as completed different MOS just because the unit and state don't have the numbers to successfully complete a security mission. If you want success in the Army National Guard, it can be easy if you stay fit. The moment you ...
Himalayan black bear (Selenarctos thibetanus), leopard (Panthera pardus), musk deer (Moschus moschiferous), goral (Nemorhaedus goral), jackal (Canis aureus), Himalayan tahr (Hemitragus jemlahicus), yellow throated marten (Martes flavigula), wild dog (Cuon alpinus), wild boar (Sus scrofa)...
3.2The period from 1920 until 1965Colonial rule as the foundation of a modern stateThe period between 1920 and 1934 was marked by the establishment ofa strong, centrally administered state. The French and Spanish armiesused brutal force to pacify the Berber regions in the South, the Middle-...
The military guard in attendance took objectors into arrest.In the villages, the population was summoned to the school buildings and, under the muzzles of automatic weapons, each individual was forced to sign a declaration favouring voluntary union with SSSR. Later the Red Army visited every ...
In Bangladesh, the coast guard was also assigned to defend the marine and coastal water from pollution under the Coast Guard Act’1994. The Port Rules’ 1966 are the primary legislation in Bangladesh as to exercise of port state jurisdiction. The act provides measures for protecting ports that ...
It begins by briefly considering the state of the field of national security law, noting the rapid expansion in employment and the breadth of related positions that have been created post-9/11. It considers, in the process, how the legal academy has, as an institutional matter, responded to...