history, civics, and English, and good moral character. Jackson Lewis P.C. © 2024 by: Xiaolu Sheng of Jackson Lewis P.C. For more on USCIS, visit the NLR Immigration section Share this: Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window) Click to share on Twitter (Opens in...
Spatial design of the US FIA annual forest inventory survey as adopted after the Farm Bill of 1998. The basic design is based on the interpenetrating panel approach applied to a basic hexagonal-grid tessellation of the territory. Each number assigns one grid cell to one yearly panel, the spati...
I don't want to comment on specific transactions that we've looked at. But we think on the upstream side that there's going to be opportunities for further consolidation within the basin. And then across the midstream and downstream side, it's likely in our mind that assets will...