The National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) delivers geospatial intelligence that provides a decisive advantage to policymakers, warfighters, intelligence professionals and first responders. Anyone who sails a U.S. ship, flies a U.S. aircraft, makes national policy decisions, fights wars, locates...
Noun1.National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency- a combat support agency that provides geographic intelligence in support of national security NGA Defense Department,Department of Defense,DoD,United States Department of Defense,Defense- the federal department responsible for safeguarding national security of the...
National Geospatial-Intelligence AgencyURL の共有 [連邦政府] NGA という略語でも知られています。 国家安全保障の裏付けとなる、関連性のある正確な地理空間情報を適切なタイミングで収集および提供することを目的とした米国の連邦政府機関。旧称は National Imagery and Mapping Agency (NIMA)。
Security Agency)並負 責通訊情報的情報機關;負責研發和操作偵察衞星的國 家偵察辦公室(National Reconnaissance Office);負責擬備地 理空間數據的國家地理空間情報局( National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency);以及屬作戰支援機關的國防 情報局(Defense Intelligence Agency), 它負責為"戰士"、防衞 政策決策者及部隊...
geospatial 地球空间信息 intelligence n. 1.[U]学习、理解和推理的能力,智力,脑力 2.[U]情报,信息(尤指有军事价值的),[作定语](the government's Secret Intelligence Servic Intelligence 情报早期情报两字只备用来当成各国政府的间谍往来消息代名词,或者军事上的消息,然而现在也演变为企业中进行资料搜寻的行动...
模型占地面积为16平方英尺(约合1.5平方米),是美国国家安全情报局(National Geospatial Intelligence Agency)根据卫星 …|基于 1 个网页 3. 美国国家地理情报局 如果真想全心投入,可上「美国国家地理情报局(National Geospatial Intelligence Agency)」下载 Nathaniel Bowditch 所著 879 … ...
national geospatial intelligence agency(国家地理空间情报局).doc,Evaluation of the New ASTER Global Digital Elevation Model James A. Slater1, Barry Heady2, George Kroenung2, William Curtis3, Jeffrey Haase3, Daryl Hoegemann3, Casey Shockley4, Kevin Tracy
National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency 网络 空间情报局; 美国国家地理空间情报局
Official organizational account for the NGA. National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency has 181 repositories available. Follow their code on GitHub.
national geospatial-intelligence agency The National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) is a U.S. government organization that functions as the primary provider of geospatial intelligence (GEOINT). GEOINT is a form of intelligence derived from analyzing data collected from a variety of sources ...