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国家地理科学系列National Geographic Science~外教讲解视频+音频+练习册 今天给大家分享一套既能提升英语水平、又能给孩子带来丰富知识、广阔视野的读物——“National Geographic Learning” (简称“NGL”)出版的National Geographic Science系列。 这套书有三个级别,包含GK、G1、G2共3个级别,每个级别对应美国同级科学...
Science How going sober for even a month can improve your health See All National Geographic Society Mission National Geographic’s nonprofit work National Geographic Society funds the best and brightest individuals dedicated to scientific discovery, exploration, education and storytelling to illuminate and...
Science How your body changes in the first 10 minutes of exercise Read 7 unforgettable experiences in St Helena Paid Content 7 unforgettable experiences in St Helena Read Where to travel in February Travel Where to travel in February Read What are stars made of? She found out and changed physi...
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今天给大家分享一套既能提升英语水平、又能给孩子带来丰富知识、广阔视野的读物——“National Geographic Learning” (简称“NGL”)出版的National Geographic Science系列。 这套书有三个级别,包含GK、G1、G2共3个级别,每个级别对应美国同级科学教纲。今天分享的资源包含PDF练习、音频和配套的外教视频讲读,英语发音...
“National Geographic Learning” (简称“NGL”)出版的National Geographic Science系列,这套书有三个级别,包含GK、G1、G2共3个级别,每个级别对应美国同级科学教纲。今天分享的资源包含PDF练习和配套的外教视频讲读,视频为mp4格式,1920×1080分辨率,英语发音、英文字幕。这是一套体系完整的科学学习起步阶段读本...
今天给大家分享一套既能提升英语水平、又能给孩子带来丰富知识、广阔视野的读物——“National Geographic Learning” (简称“NGL”)出版的National Geographic Science系列。 这套书有三个级别,包含GK、G1、G2共3个级别,每个级别对应美国同...
Kraus, Judy