提示:地址:380 Sussex Dr, Ottawa, ON K1N 9N4, Canada 美术馆 博物馆 游玩时间: 建议1-2小时 电话: +1-613-9924795 官方网站: http://www.gallery.ca/ 开放时间: 5月-10月中旬,周三至周五:10:00-18:00,周四:10:00-20:00;10月中旬-次年4月,周三-周日:10:00-17:00,周四:10:00-20:...
国家美术馆 National Gallery of Canada *点击以缩略图片,查看大图!是加拿大的国家美术馆和文化瑰宝,适合所有年龄的游客。其独特的玻璃建筑新颖、别致。宁静的室内花园令国家美术馆锦上添花。它是加拿大艺术文化的珍藏库,文艺复兴时期的著名艺术家和世界上一流艺术家的作品曾在此展出和珍藏。
5. 里多街小教堂的大理石铸铁圆柱、三座神坛、阳台、窗户和耸立的扇形拱顶定会让您赞叹不已。 6. 在加拿大国立美术馆除了有加拿大著名的“Groupof Seven”等七位艺术家的作品,亦收藏了其它欧洲名家林布兰(Rembrandt)、el Greco、塞尚(Cezanne)、窦加(Degas)、高更(Gogh)、莫内(Monet)和毕卡索(Picasso)等人的作品...
加拿大国立美术馆(The National Gallery of Canada)渥太华。由莫须塞福迪奥(Moshe Safdio) 所设计。 zhidao.baidu.com|基于59个网页 2. 加拿大国家博物馆 ...eum of Art) 、纽约P.S.I 美术馆、加拿大国家博物馆(The National Gallery of Canada) 、新南威而斯美术馆(Museum of New S… ...
阅读理解 National Gallery of Canada Position: National Gallery (美术馆) of Canada 380 Sussex Drive (大道) P.O. Box 427, Station A Ottawa, Ontario Canada K1N 9N4 Telephone: 613-990-1985 or 1-800-319-ARTS Fax: 613-993-4385 Directions: From Highway 417, take the Metcalfe ...
LocationAt the comer of St.Patrick Street and Sussex Drive ParkingParking costs $2.75 per hour.If you park one day,it costs $28 (Members $24) CafeThe cafe closes half an hour before the gallery closes.It offers salad,dessert bars,sandwiches and more in a self-service environment.NGC me...
National Gallery of Canada (加拿大 Ottawa, ON) (主办方) 2017 (1) 第57届威尼斯双年展, 2017(加拿大馆) (国际展) 2017.05.13 - 2017.11.26 ...已闭幕 National Gallery of Canada (加拿大 Ottawa, ON) (主办方) (20) 2006 (1) Acting the Part - Photography as Theatre (群展) 2006.06...
an amusement areaNational Gallery(美术馆) of Canada (NGC)HoursI May - 30 Septembe: 8 30 a.m to 6 p.m.1 Oetober -30 Apri: 9:30 am.to 5 p.m.L.ocntionAt the comer of St Patrick Street and SussexDriveParkingParking costs $2,75 per half hour.If you park oneday,it costs $14...
National Gallery (美术馆) of Canada (NGC) Time: 1 May ~ 30 September: 8:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.1 October ~ 30 April: 9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.Location (地点): At the corner of St. Patrick Street and Sussex DriveParking (停车): Parking costs 0.75 per hour for a car. If...
【题目】National Gallery of CanadaPosition:National Gallery(美术馆)of Canada380 Sussex Drive(大道)P.O. Box 427, Station AOttawa, Ontario Canada K1N 9N4T elephone: 613-990-1985 or 1-800-319-ART SFax:613-993-4385Directions:From Highway 417, take the Metcalfe exit(出口). Follow Metcalfe ...