You can reach the National Gallery of Art by taking the Metro's Yellow or Green lines to Archives-Navy Memorial-Penn Quarter station. Capital Bikeshare has a station next to the East Building. For additional information, consult the National Gallery of Art website. Tours & Tickets DC National...
DC之National Gallery of Art 到DC的第三天,大团去上班,我决定去DC闻名的博物馆转转,先选了National Gallery of Art,因为之前想申请这里夏天的实习。知道博物馆总是自己永远逛不够的地方,乖乖地赶早出了门。坐地铁在Archives Metro Station下了车,看着pad上谷歌地图的截图,在国家档案馆的对面一直往前走就到了。
National Gallery of Art 艺术风情,名家经典 首页 全部景点 国家美术馆 罗丹、梵高、莫奈、毕加索、高更、马蒂斯,在这里,欣赏各画派艺术大师的经典作品,风格独特的建筑,丰富珍贵的馆藏,都让你意犹未尽 国家美术馆,位于美国国会大厦西阶,由两座风格迥然不同的花岗岩建筑组成,一座在西,为新古典式建筑,有着古希腊建筑...
(Named Buildings) a major art gallery in London, in Trafalgar Square. Founded in 1824, it contains the largest collection of paintings in Britain Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009...
早上排队朝圣National Archives保存的The Charters of Freedom:包括The Declaration of Independence, The Constitution, The Bill of arights。人多且不让照相,证明是原件无疑。接着参观National Gallery of Art东厅。展品巨多,与其走马观花,看后记不起任何作品,不如参加几个Guided Tours,对讲解过的作品有一定的...
旅游英语:National Gallery Of Art North side of the Mall, Constitution Ave between Third and Seventh streets NW; closestMetro1Archives-Navy Memorial. Mon-Sat 10am-5pm, Sun 11am-6pm. 202/737-4215. Admission free. Though the visuallystunning2National Gallery of Art, the nearest of the Mall ...
這是ONE NATIONAL GAY & LESBIAN ARCHIVES的頁面列表。 它的詳細信息州, 城市, 街道, 郵遞區號, 電話, 在線地圖如下。
the largest art museum of the People’s Republic of Bulgaria. It was founded in 1948 on the basis of the collections of the National Museum of Archaeology, the Sofia City Gallery, the Ministry of Public Education, and the Bulgarian National Bank. Since 1954 the gallery has been housed in ...
Springer, JBorst Brazas JKajder SSpringer, J., S. Kajder, et al. (2004). Digital storytelling at the National Gallery of Art. Museums & the Web. D. Bearman and J. Trant. Arlington, VA, Archives & Museums Informatics.
Paul Getty Museum’s Gauguin sculpture as a fake has now set his astute gaze on paintings at the National Gallery of Art in Washington D.C. and the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston. Fourmanoir has alleged that both paintings are not Gauguins and were instead commissioned and sold by a ...