Drug trends and the new National Formulary.Formularies as TopicPOWERS JL.doi:10.1016/S0095-9561(16)31085-4POWERS JLJ Am Pharm Assoc Am Pharm Assoc (Baltim)Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association American Pharmaceutical Association
That list would theoretically form the basis of the drugs that would be covered as part of the next iteration of a national drug plan. That doesn't exactly line up with the deadline set out in the Liberal's deal with the NDP, which calls for an essential medicines formular...
S. Pharmacopoeia and National Formulary, with photographic cuts of each drug from original material, comprising 300 illustrations, average size 3½ × 5 inches. The title of each drug, abbreviation, English name, synonyms, botanical origin, part or parts used, permissible limits of impurities, ...
The full name for ICH is() A、Import drug registration standards B、European Pharmacopoeia C、United States Pharmacopoeia-National Formulary D、International Conference on Harmonization of Technical Requirements for Registration of
No Abstract available for this article.doi:10.1007/BF03309864NoneSpringer International PublishingPharmacoresources
The National Drug Formulary Listing Process for Orphan Drugs in South Korea: narrative review focused on pricing and reimbursement pathwaysIntroduction: In addition to some countries facing challenges regarding patients with rare diseases, it has also become an important international topic. Through the ...
The impact of a national prescription drug formulary on prices, market share, and spending: lessons for Medicare? Health Affairs. 2003;22:149-58.Huskamp HA, Epstein AM, Blumenthal D. The impact of a national pre- scription drug formulary on prices, market share, and spending: lessons for ...
Drug utilization in general practice: prescribinghabits of nation- al formulary drugs by GPs of Emilia Romagna (Italy) in 1988 and 1989. Eur J Clin Pharmacol 1992;42401-8.Montanaro N, Magrini N, Vaccheri A, Battilana M (1992) Drug utilization in general practice: prescribing habits of na-...
Machado M,Iskedjian M,Ruiz IA,et al.The Economic Impact of Introducing Serotonin-Noradrenaline Reuptake Inhibitors into the Brazilian National Drug Formulary:Cost-Effectiveness and Budget-Impact Analyses[J].PharmacoEconomics,2007,25(11):979-990....
AMA adopts new policy to combat national drug shortagesFormulary staff