Sols, Solides, Structures - Risques (Laboratoire 3SR) Sophia Agrobiotech Institute (ISA) Sorbonne University Association Spectrométrie de Masse Biologique et Protéomique (SMBP) Spectrométrie de Masse pour la Biologie (UTechS MSBio) Stabilité Génétique et Onco...
Association with statins and development of this entity is reported. Casuistry in our tertiary hospital is 2 cases in 2 years. Case 1: Male, 72 years, admitted to the emergency department with myalgia and decrease of muscle strength of lower limbs with 4 weeks of evolution. One month before...
even little doses can have serious effects on the human system. It is therefore imperative that their sources and different pathways of exposure and impact be assessed for adequate response measures. Since most of these chemicals have weaker molecular bonding, they are easily released ...