1 Sun National Fire Pup Day 1 Sun Urticaria day 1 Sun International Day of Older Persons 1 Sun International Music Day 1 Sun National Hair Day 1 Sun World Vegetarian Day 1 Sun Breast Cancer Awareness Month 2 Mon Child Health Day 2 Mon National Name Your Car Day 2 Mon Inter...
#生活英语 #日常口语 #亲子 00:08 alarm system是“报警系统”,fire alarm是“火警报警器”,car alarm是“汽车警报器”。例句:I forgot to set my a 00:06 bite的过去式是bit,bite可以做动词“咬,叮”,也可以做名词“咬,一口的量”。例句:She took a bite of the cake. 她咬了一口 00:06 choose是...
吉纽思国际幼儿园National Fire Safety Day | 全民關注消防,生命安全致上,致敬最美“逆行者”!发表于2023-11-09 10:07 广东
由1句OnMay 4th,2023,daysbeforeNationalFirefightingDayoftheUS(2023年5月4日,美国全国消防日前几天);第2句ThischaracterisfromtheJapaneseCartoonfilmKongRongWhereDoWeGo?(这个角色来自于日本卡通电影《孔融让梨》);第3句中的tookthischaractertoAmericans,toshowtheirthankstoAmericanfirefightersovertheyears.(这个角色...
NATIONAL MERRI MUSIC DAY was founded in 2022 by National Day Calendar® and Monique Blake of Merritone Music Inc.NATIONAL HORROR MOVIE DAY | October 23 Read More NATIONAL HORROR MOVIE DAY was founded in 2023 by National Day Calendar® and Black Vortex Cinema.NATIONAL...
Six weeks after the most destructive wildfire in city history, Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass ousted the city’s fire chief Friday. National Measles outbreaks rise to nearly 100 cases between Texas and New Mexico. Here’s what you should know Updated: 18 hours ago| By The Associated Press He...
Firefighters knock down wind-driven brush fire on Long Island but risk remains with high winds Updated: 8 hours ago| By The Associated Press Firefighters in New York have knocked down a dwindling brush fire in a wooded stretch of Long Island but officials say high wind gusts could leave the...
Passage 5(2023石家庄四十二中一模)Before National Fire Prevention Day, the firefighters in Shexian, Hebei, received more than 1,000 paper cranes(鹤). The gifts were 1.(actual) from the children in a mountainous area. They wanted to express 2.(they) thanks to the firefighters, who have volu...
National Firefighters knock down wind-driven brush fire on Long Island but risk remains with high winds Updated: 9 hours ago| By The Associated Press Firefighters in New York have knocked down a dwindling brush fire in a wooded stretch of Long Island but officials say high wind gusts could le...
“We are not so different from our neighbors. When a house is on fire, we do not ask about the homeowner's race or religion,” She said. “We do not wonder who their partner is or how they voted. No. We just try to do the best we can to save them.” She then quipped, “An...