energies Article Visualizing National Electrification Scenarios for Sub-Saharan African Countries Paul Bertheau 1, Ayobami Solomon Oyewo 2,*, Catherina Cader 1,3, Christian Breyer 2 ID and Philipp Blechinger 1 1 Reiner Lemoine Institut gGmbH, Rudower Chaussee 12, 12489 Berlin, Germany; Paul....
aBracshe.dBoansethdeoanutthhoera'suethx-or's pereiexnpceersieanncdesunandderustnadnedrisntganodf itnhge noof ttihoennooft'igoonvoerfn'agnocvee'r,n2ainmcpe'o, r2tainmtpthoermtanest,tshaeym, ceosr,-say, rupctoiornruapntidonpoalnitdyp, aorlietyi,daernetiidfieendt.ifiLeadte.rLoante,r...
FFiirrsstt ccoonnffiirrmmeedd ccaassee iinn IIttaallyy oonn 3311 JJaannuuaarryy 22002200 aanndd fifirrsstt ttwwoo ffaattaall ccaasseess oonn 2233FFeebbrruuaarryy22002200.. The highest fatalities were recorded towards the end of March in Italy, while the number of confiTrmheedhicgahsee...