National Employment Standards (NES)are minimum terms and conditions of employment that any employer covered by the Fair Work Act has to provide to... Learn more about this topic: Employment Law | Definition, History & Enforcement from Chapter 17/ Lesson 1 ...
必应词典为您提供National-Employment-Standards的释义,网络释义: 全国雇佣标准;国家就业标准;澳洲全国就业标准;
should consider adopting the standards set in the conventions at the level of national legislation as a transitional measure. 如果 加入公约的过程会因内部程序而耗时很长,那么作为一种过渡性措施,成员 国应考虑在国家立法层面采 用公约中所 订立的 相关 标准。
given to s. 163(8) of the Criminal Code in Butler does partie en une comparaison, par l'inspecteur des douanes, du mate´riel importe´ et du guide illustre´ accompagnant le Me´morandum D9-1-1, qui de´crit le genre de marchandi- ses juge´es obsce`nes par les ...
The National Energy Strategy (NES), a strategic plan for energy transition in Morocco, was established in 2009 with ambitious objectives, aiming to diversify the energy mix and promote the development of renewable energy, and reduce the use of fossil fuels. It seeks to enhance the role of rene... 禁止歧视仍 然是意大利宪法的一个主要支柱,通过国内法律执行的《欧洲平等待遇指令》提 供了进一步指导。 [...] recognize that improvements can be made, interaliathrough national legislation,regulatory policy ...
However, the NESSE report highlights that at times it can be difficult to classify a country according to the type if inclusion policy, because of policy changes. For instance, Germany and the Netherlands are positioned within the two-track system but they are recently moving towards the multi...
Income is the social status indicator that most directly measures material living standards, but is interlinked with other indicators such as employment status, job type, access to health promoting services, self-esteem, and to relative social standing in society [37]. Both education and income ...
and Indochinese from 7,700 to 43,000—-in all, an increase from 262,700 to 825,000 in a mere twenty years.21 Thus, instead of the handful of family re- unification cases foreseen by the 1965 legislators, we are wit- nessing the rapid Asianization of the cultural and intellec- tual...
NES National Ecotourism Strategy NFRDI National Fisheries Research and Development Institute NIPAS National Integrated Protected Areas System NPGRL National Plant Genetic Resources Laboratory NPOA National Plan of Action NPS-ENRMP National Program Support-Environment and Natural Resources Management ...