根据第一段 It is so called because it combines the emblems (象征) of three countries - England,Scotland and Ireland (although since 1921 only Northern Ireland has been part of the United Kingdom).之所以这样称呼是因为它结合了英格兰、苏格兰和...
Flowers are full of culture, history and other qualities. As a national flower, fruit and meat show a country's values(价值观) and respect(尊重) for life that nature has given us. People all over the country can share the same feelings their emblems(象征). This makes people feel proud(...
42、产于澳洲的一种体型大而不会飞的鸟) that support the shield are the unofficial animal emblems of the nation. In the background is wreath of Golden Wattle金荆树;密花相思树;密花金合欢, the official national floral emblem标记 At the bottom of the coat of arms is a scroll卷形花纹 that ...
If you are asked to name some nationalemblemsof China, the dragon will probably be one of the famous images that pop into your head. We Chinese often consider ourselves "the descendants(后代)of the dragon." It is not unfamiliar to you that your parents hope that you "may become the drag...
Countries are full of culture, history and other qualities. Having a national flower, fruit and animal shows a country's awareness (意识) and respect for the gifts that nature has given it. People all over the country can share the same feelings about their emblems (象征). This makes ...
Unit 15A The Union Jack is the national flag of the United Kingdom. It is so called because it combines the emblems(象征) of three countries-England, Scotland and Ireland(although since 1921 only Northern Ireland has been part of the United Kingdom).The term"Union Jack" possibly dates from...
Banal Symbols of the New Nation-State One common feature of all independent nation-states鈥攂oth Western and non-Western鈥攊s that they possess unique national symbols such as a national flag, a national anthem, a coat of arms, and other banal insignia and emblems to disting... H Fuller ...
find out more about the current position of Islam in these countries, respondents were asked: ‘To what extent do you think that the current ruler is in harmony with your religious standards?’ All countries except Egypt (3.21) scored less than 3, which corresponded with the dissatisfaction of...
Here, you can find information on heraldry in different countries, specifically: The Heraldic Authority in that jurisdiction How to apply for a Grant of Arms in that country Sources of information (Rolls, etc) for that country Characteristics of heraldry in that country Countries covered are: ...
Countries are full of culture,history and other characteristics(特质).Having a national flower,fruit and animal shows a country's awareness(意识)and respect for the gifts that nature has given it.People all over the country can share the same feelings about their emblems(象征).This makes ...