Over the last three years theLean LaunchPad classhas started to replace the last century’s “how to write a business plan” classes as the foundation for entrepreneurial education. The Lean LaunchPad class uses the three “Lean Startup” principles: Alexander Osterwalders “business model canvas...
These measures on Wikipedia or Slideshare would help the websites of national health authorities to improve their visibility among the first results of search engines (not just Google). Other measures related to the improvement of web positioning (Search Engine Optimization) that could be analyzed ar...
2018. Available online: https://www.slideshare.net/CIFOR/prospect-of-marine-tourism-in-indonesia-challenges-and-opportunities-towards-sustainable-tourism-and-low-carbon-destination (accessed on 29 August 2021). Cleanliness, Health, Safety, and Environmental Sustainability Guidance For Indonesia’s Dive ...