Wise Mark et Croxford Gregory J. (1988), « The European Regional Development Fund: Community Ideals and National Realities », Political Geography Quartely, vol. 7, n° 2, p. 161-182.Wise, M. and Croxford, G. (1988). ’The European Regional Development Fund: Community ...
small grants to fund national and community initiatives. daccess-ods.un.org 在应对这些挑战的同时,太平洋 共同体秘书处通过在区域一级实施技术援助和训练方案向成员提供支持,并提供 小额赠款,资助国家和社区的奖励 措施。 daccess-ods.un.org [...] in Osaka, the income and expenditure were balanced ...
Acronyms Wikipedia Related to national insurance:National health insurance n (Insurance) (in Britain) state insurance based on weekly contributions from employees and employers and providing payments to the unemployed, the sick, the retired, etc, as well as medical services. See alsosocial security ...
调整金融环境任重道远 Must continue in the situation in outside which weakens, in the expansion must regarding prevent the economy glides down especially importantly.We must the expansion in have to take the economical development the basic standpoint, gets down the big strength transformation economy...
National Trust Community Investment Corporation (NTCIC), a subsidiary of the National Trust for Historic Preservation, is among the most active tax credit syndicators in America. The organization supports the country's architectural heritage, community development, and renewable energy initiatives through...
Now a self-sustaining operation, CBET generates profits to members and contributes 20 percent of its income to a community development fund supporting women's self-help groups, health projects, micro-enterprise initiatives, and a community water supply system providing safe drinking water. All CBET ...
As a Project Manager, Marcus is responsible for real estate due diligence, underwriting prospective tax credit investments, and closing transactions. Prior to joining NTCIC in 2021, he worked in real estate and fund administration business development at SS&C and New Markets Community Capital at TEL...
However, how the governance and regulation of MCOs evolves will define their development in the long term. Another factor that must be considered is whether investors will prefer multi-sport ownership (MSOs), which bring with them their own regulatory considerations, particularly in relation to ...
Poland National Research and Development Center is a government agency within the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. It was created as a platform for effective dialogue between the science and business community. It has the role of Intermediate Body in three operational programs: Human Capital...
Medicare spending is 13% of total federal spending as of FYTD 2024. TheHospital Insurance (HI) Trust Fundfor Medicare recipients will be able to pay 100% of scheduled benefits until 2036. The Supplemental Medical Insurance Trust Fund is financed into the indefinite future because its financing so...