National Dental Health Poster Contest/Dental Caries in Children/Dental Conditions/Rural Dental Hygiene/Dental Conferencesdoi:10.14219/jada.archive.1938.0381NoneELSEVIERJournal of the American Dental Association & the Dental Cosmos
236 The duration of catheterisation is the dominant risk factor for CAUTI, and virtually all catheterised patients develop bacteriuria within 1 month.230 For the purpose of these guidelines, a duration of catheterisation of ≤28 days is considered to be a short-term catheterisation.234 Several ...
Comparison of ADA national survey results one dental hygiene program.(CLL Poster Sessions)(Allied Dental Education)(Survey)Hays, Rosemary DLupovici, Eva MStefanou, LisaWestphal, Cheryl MKreismann, Judy