Today, the country owesover four timesmore than it did in 2000, when the national debt stood at around $5 trillion. How did we get here? “Like any budget that you have in your household, we have too little income and too many expenses,” saidTed Jenkin, certified financial planner and...
Financial Planner 1 month ago $35000–$125000 yearly Part-time Southport • PLEASE READ TO THE END BEFORE APPLYING*** We seek highly motivated, competent, capable, and committed business partners to become financial professionals and head into the field to provide services that meet the needs ...
He's noticed how much the entertainment industry has trans- formed since the first "Twilight" hit screens a decade ago."It felt like the mid-budget movie completely disappeared, but then it kind of came back with Netflix and the streaming services," he says, adding that he wishes Netflix...